We change the way we make decisions for the better.
Dataside is a consulting firm focused on data, AI, and business,
accompanying companies on their Data Journey to increase reliability and agility, improving data-driven decision-making with a focus on cost reduction, process improvement, and greater accuracy in strategic planning across various business segments.
Learn about
our history
The history of Dataside can be compared to the same reasoning behind our Maturity Pyramid. To reach where we are today, transforming data into intelligent solutions, we started with a solid foundation:
Today, Dataside has specialists ready to drive business growth, from infrastructure to the most innovative strategies.
With the rise of new technologies and an understanding of the importance of innovation, Dataside took a major step: it became a consulting firm focused on data, Artificial Intelligence, and business.
Four years later, recognizing the additional needs of managers, Caio decided to expand operations and created Dataside in 2015, a company specialized in data with the mission of improving decision-making within companies.
With humble beginnings in 2011, our CEO and Founder, Caio Amante, founded the first company, called AKSource, with services focused on infrastructure—the first step in the data journey.
Changing for the better the way people make decisions with AI applied to business.
This is Dataside's purpose today, and for that, we rely on the best partners who strategically drive this growth.
Additionally, Dataside is the first and only Brazilian company to be certified by Microsoft as an AI & ML Specialist. This certification demonstrates Dataside's specific and deep knowledge in planning and delivering Data Analytics and AI solutions on Azure.
Get in touch with
our specialists
São Paulo
Rua Carlos Maria Aurichio, 70
Sala 901 - Edifício Costa Norte
São José dos Campos - SP
Telefone: +55 11 5555-5484
2032 Tally Rd, Leesburg